It struggled up to 50 degrees so I got out the road bike and took a spin around the county to see how the other half was living. The ice is holding on some spots and breaking up in others.Pictured below is a view across City Bay in North Hero looking East at the Green
Mountains which today were looking mostly blue and white.
Nobody is expecting to catch many fish but it makes a good reason to get out and soak up a little sun. The handicap fishing ramp will be under water for a few weeks and is closed until further notice. You can fish off the rocks to your hearts content but if you feel a tug on your line it's more likely to be an Ice Cake than a trophy fish.

A view of the sheets of ice from the Bridge is
reminiscent of the views on
Television of the
Arctic icecap melting and breaking away.Much more of this and even the
die hard Ice Fishermen will begin to think that the season is coming to an end. If you look closely you can see the holes they have drilled in these ice sheets and maybe a few Holiday Harbor minnows lying around.

This is my first attempt at impressionistic art I call it "Cyclist with Camera"

Whoever had this bench out on the lake must have enjoyed the view and not minded the cold. They will need to remember to come and
retrieve it soon or it will end up as new Bass structure on the bottom of the lake.

Warmer weather is
forcasted for the coming week so better enjoy the snow and ice pictures while you can, with any luck in a month or two it will be almost gone.
It sure was a beautiful day to be out and about. The warmer weather is a great reason to pick up the camera. My favorives include the bay shot, the ice breakup as viewed from above and the fox on the tracks. Also a great shadow view of yourself. As soon as I get time I will try some outside shots as well.
Time's running out to save that bench. Enjoyed the pictures!
I think I would leave the bench,,you may end up as bass structure!
Your pictures are really good!! I wonder who left thar bench there.
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