Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chicken Update

Time for an update on operation hen house, as you can see we are in full operation.
This Buff Orpington pullet will be laying in a couple of months. This breed is very cold weather tolerant they have a thick layer of feathers.

Here is another of the Buffs the one on the right is a ROO !

Despite the recent cold temps and short days without much sunlight the hens are finally starting to lay eggs faster than I can eat them.

Brief Interlude

Inside set up for the winter the waterer has a thermostat to keep it from freezing, I am running a heat lamp at night which keeps it comfortable for them in their insulated building.

This Barred Rock was bred for New England winters, she has a thick coat of the finest down to keep her safe and warm through the winter months.

Another example of New England stock the Rhode Island Red. They are hardy and prolific layers of large brown eggs.

The Buff Rooster is saying hello to the laying hens from a safe distance in an adjacent pen.

Its great to have plenty of these all set for the holiday baking.


Phil and Rachel said...

Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to eat some of those eggs!

Paul Batchelder said...

Couldn't resist...

Tracy Batchelder said...

Love those brown eggs!