Fall is in the air as the nights begin to cool down and the air becomes sharp and clear. It's time to put aside the homesteading projects for a little while and pick up the camera that has been gathering dust and head into natures world to reconnect with the land. 
I included this obviously out of focus frame because I like the effect of the blur on this running fawn.

Some beautiful Wood Ducks shared the morning sun with me.

This was the frame right before he made the big jump!

These nice wild turkeys were kind enough to pose in front of the Bee Hives.

It's only early September but a touch of fall color is already in evidence in the upper marsh.

This Morning Glory contrasted nicely with the Goldenrod, what a beautiful sight!

I was already having a great morning when this gang showed up, it's what is
referred to as the icing on the cake! The still water of the river makes for some great reflections on these shots.

Looks like Mama had a good summer and is raising two young ones.

I am off for a few days and hope to add more wildlife shots in the near future.
Wonderful shots! Glad you are back to walks and photo sessions. You were blessed to see some nice wildlife.
I agree with you on the change of seasons. We have noticed some leaves turning and can feel the bite in the morning air! Your pics turned out great as usual. I do like the blurred pic as you are still able to recognize the leaping dear.
I'm glad you decided to dust off the camera. I'm looking forward to even more of your wildlife photography.
Nice shots I guess I had better "dust off" and get some shots on the blog
You haven't lost your touch - I especially liked the otters - great reflections!
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