This method of gardening caught my eye, its evidently been around a while, brother Paul even has a book on it stored somewhere along with his personal collection of "Fermenting Journal".

The pictures show a progression as this project develops, like myself its still a work in progress.

Incorporating a vertical trellis to grow climbing things like cukes, pole beans, even some tomatoes.

After trying out the system we liked it and decided to put in some larger 8' beds for our canning produce.

This is the size of our layout for now, so far it has exceeded all expectations and has really lived up to its claim to grow things, a new bed or two seems to spring up every couple of days!

Some people have written in to see where you can get a compost barrel like this, Bruce says it looks a lot like one that he used to have which was somehow lost in the move to Elmore.
Seems like you certainly have a green thumb developing! Perhaps some of the gardening talent of the previous owner of the compost barrel has transferred to your operation!
How long was that barrel "lost" in the woods before you found it! The beds look great but I think JB was first on the scene with the landscaped garden...until the dogs figured it out! Just beware if he wants to send you some morning glory vines!
Looks good! We decided to skip the garden this year. Will definitely miss the homegrown tomatoes.
Have had a ball catching up with your blog today. Fantastic photos! Time for me to slow down and smell the compost! Steve and I are headed to Charleston on Monday...look for blog updates soon.
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