Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Craft Shop

This is my new stove made out of a fancy feast cat food can! It is an amazing rig it puts out a nice flame just like a gas stove burner and boils water in a jiffy.

The weather lately has not been the best for photography or biking so I have been getting into some indoor projects. The knife's pictured below have been modified from their original shape, shortened and re profiled to my liking. The results were gratifying the end result is a very functional knife that is at home in the kitchen or in the field. Handles are another endeavor, I enjoy watching them take shape, each one comes out slightly different.
This project features a commercial blade fitted to a custom handle that I fitted, sanded and stained.
Another project that is waiting is to seal and mount this great old nest that we harvested at the end of the season.


Paul Batchelder said...

Very nice knife! I will have to get busy with a post of the little shop in the barn....after I get over this whitetail fever.

Phil and Rachel said...

Interesting cooking set up! We'll look forward to seeing it in person soon.

John Batchelder said...

Nice stove - what are you using for fuel?

I think you should maks a set of throwing knives and see what you can pin to a tree...