Sunday, September 23, 2007

Road Trip

We traveled out of area to meet up with Faith and Charles who are on vacation in western New York. We had a great time catching up with them and of course took a few pictures along the way!

Decisions- Decisions

We reluctantly surrendered our cameras!
Wind Turbines stand in sharp contrast to an otherwise rural setting.

Many people stand in oposition to this alternative energy source because of the visual impact on the landscape.What do you think???


John Batchelder said...

Looks like you had a pleasant afternoon with F&C.

We have seen huge farms of these turbines in West Texas. They move spooky-slow and do catch your eye.

Since I work in the energy industry it's probably not fair for me to comment but here goes.

We are already much too dependent on foreign oil, we are consuming more natural gas than we are currently producing. There is a ban on drilling in areas like ANWR, off shore California, off shore florida and off the East Coast.

We have dammed up all our major rivers and built hydro-electric plants.

Coal is an option but mining if detrimental to the environment and burning it even using "clean coal" technology produces too many harmful emissions.

Our population is over 300 million and we have a huge appetite for energy.

Conservation will help but eventually we need to decide whether we should do more domestic drilling, build more nuclear facilities, or dot the landscape with wind turbines.

Personally I think we should also retreat to the wilds and leave the fight to the "city folks".


Tracy Batchelder said...

It was great that you guys were able to visit with Faith and Charles.

Wind turbines always seem a little creepy to me, especially if there are lots of them together moving in unison.

Dave said...

There's no missing these. I can't imagine seeing these huge turbines towering over the trees. I like the pumpkin photo with the barn in the backround. Nice fall presentation!

Phil and Rachel said...

Wonderful pictures. I like your haircut, mom. The turbines are very interesting. Some good perspectives with those as well as the pumpkins.

Paul Batchelder said...

I don't mond the turbines...but I don't have to look at them either..Ithink I could get a climbing stand to hold on them if I needed too!